Life Insurance Health Exams Facts

Are you now applying for life insurance? If you are, then you are going to undergo medical exams before you make the purchase. This medical exam is vital for the insurance company to find out your actual health condition so they can offer you the right type of insurance according to your condition and need. If the company consider you having to life longer since you do not have serious health conditions, you will be more likely to lay less for the coverage. But if you have not very good condition, you will be more likely to pay for more coverage. As you are going to undergo the exam, learn these facts to get your feet on the ground.

Make Difference with Better Health Stats

The preferred plus is the best life insurance that anyone can have. But it is only available for those with the best health stats. Those who smoke and drink are definitely not included in the category. In fact, if you have slightly high blood pressure, your chance to get this insurance is also decreased. Therefore, you may want to stop smoking and drinking for a few years before you purchase the insurance in order to get the best one.

Big Three You Have To Be Aware Of

Paramedics are the ones performing all medical checks up on you. They make the official report to your insurance company regarding your condition. Be aware of the big three signs that every insurance company screams about. They include cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. If you have any of these health conditions, your will be asked to pay way much higher coverage for your insurance premiums. So, make sure to be ready for this scenario.

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 Skip Drive Thru

If you want to score best in your medical exam, it is necessary for you to start living healthy. Skip any fast food you usually buy at the drive thru because these foods are high in carbohydrates and saturated fats that will elevate your cholesterol level and blood pressure. Instead, you should eat more healthy foods like veggies, fruits and foods rich in lean proteins and good fats. Make sure to reduce the sugar intake as well to avoid elevated blood sugar level in your blood. There is also one more food to avoid, the shellfish. This fish is high in cholesterol and it can also make you tested positive for opium. So, it is better to avoid eating it at all than failed in your medical exam.

Preparation for Tomorrow’s Medical Exam

If your medical exam is tomorrow, there are some tips you may need to follow. For instance, you should fast at least 12 hours before the exam starts. You cannot eat food at all but you still can drink water to keep you hydrated. But do not drink too much water as well. And, you need to limit extreme exercise. This kind of exercise can elevate the protein level and it will not look good at the exam. In fact, your urine may also be checked twice. And, make sure to have good night sleep of eight hours.

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